
An Incredible Milestone – 2000 PRO Members – and a Request for Feedback on SEOmoz V4

On Thursday morning (yesterday), SEOmoz reached 2000 PRO members and we had a mini celebration at the office to commemorate.

2000 PRO Members

To honor the occasion, Mystery Guest stayed up until midnight the night before, baking us fantastic, shortbread, chocolate-dipped cookies in the shape of 2s and 0s.

2000 PRO Members
Left to Right: Danny, Rand, Sarah, Jane, Gillian, Susan, Nick, Scott & Christine

Susan Moskwa had stopped by to do a Whiteboard Friday (which should be posted any minute now) and joined us in the celebration.

Obviously, I’m ecstatic. It may be an arbitrary number, but it’s been symbolic to me and many of the other mozzers for months now as a potential tipping point for the service. I’m really proud of what the team at SEOmoz has achieved – buiding great tools and a terrific website, interacting and inspiring people throughout the SEO community and working together to build an atmosphere that makes me excited to go to work every morning.

We’re not done – not by any means. In fact, to be perfectly honest, the PRO toolset and value proposition today is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what we’d like to offer in the future. Several of us got together for a nearly two-hour meeting (we got a bit sidetracked by some engineering challenges) today on features and functionality for a completely new tool that we think will be a remarkable boost for competitive analysis and brand tracking.

In addition to congratulating my team and sharing a few photos, I’d also like to use this post to officially announce our intention to launch V4 of SEOmoz (the 4th iteration of the site since its birth in 2004). That launch is expected to arrive right around Halloween of this year (October 31st), and will feature a ton of new material, new functionality, a new look and feel and a considerably faster load time (as we’re also planning to add load balancing and more robust, scalable code).

However, we can’t possibly predict every feature our members (that’s you!) might enjoy, so please feel free to leave comments with your suggestions for the PRO section, the free stuff, the blog, YOUmoz, the Marketplace, Events or any other part of the site. In the past, we’ve gotten many of our best suggestions from our membership, and are hopeful that this time is no different. Obviously, I can’t promise that we’ll include every feature, but with a longer development cycle, we’ll be able to accomplish quite a bit. No suggestion is too big or too small, so please do contribute.

Finally, a huge thanks to all our members – both PRO and non. Early next week, we’re on schedule to reach 70,000 total SEOmoz members, another milestone, and looking over the blog, the marketplace, Q+A – the areas where we get to interact as a community, I’m amazed at the quality of people, content and discussion. If we could send you all delicious shortbread cookies and champagne, we totally would 🙂

p.s. Have you noticed how good the YOUmoz content has been lately? Seriously, there are some very good posts going up there of late – bravo, YOUmozzers!

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